Overview of the Advanced Brain Care Program

Improved Brain Blood Flow Pattern with HBOT
Pre HBOT | Post HBOT - Brain Blood Flow Scan
by Harch P, Fogarty E, Staab P, Van Meter K
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
  • Reduces cerebral edema
  • Reduces neuroinflammation
  • Increases oxygen saturation to the brain
  • Promotes new blood vesel growth (Angiogenesis)
  • Can create a 8-fold increase in your own stem cell production (such as brain cells)
  • Reactivates idling neurons within the most oxygen-deficient areas of the brain
Our Brain Care Program is designed to optimize your cognitive performance and brain health based on the latest scientific research and discovery that the brain is a dynamic organ with the inherent ability to improve functioning well into old age. There are 5 unique core aspects to your Brain Care Program:
  1. Assessment of brain chemistry, blood chemistry and cognitive performance using cutting edge lab work based on the latest research on anti-aging for the brain.
  2. Application of nutritional and herbal supplementation proven to lower inflammation, increase neuroplasticity as well as optimize brain chemistry. This is to increase the ability to focus, improve energy and sleep as well as balance emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, or addiction.
  3. Implementation of the Brain Care Home Program for the brain that includes the Mind Diet and Brain exercises.
  4. Cranial osteopathy for lymphatic drainage and enhanced oxygenation and circulation of blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid flow to the brain.
  5. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is proven to reduce cerebral edema, reduce neuro-inflamation, increases oxygen saturation to the brain, promotes new blood vessel growth, reactivates idling neurons and can create an 8-fold increase in your own stem cell production (Stem cells can become brain cells).
I have found that the brain is such a sensitive yet crucial organ for our mood, our ability to make life defining decisions, work performance and overall functioning that I want to provide everything I can to help those who want to prevent dementia, maintain peak performance or reverse cognitive decline that has already begun.

A Note about the Brain Care Program:

The success of this program is 80% your commitment! This program will require additional time for exercise, organizing supplements, getting labs done and coming to weekly appointments. The more committed you are the more you will succeed! This program does not substitute for advice given by your primary care physician; rather it is to enhance the current medical supervision you are under. If you are on medication, you will need to work with your doctor to go off. Please do not go off any medication on your own without your doctor's supervision.

Do you need to take care of your Brain because there's something wrong with it?

The truth is, no one wants to think that there is something wrong with his or her brain, it's embarrassing and scary, but deep down you can't get help unless you admit to having a faulty brain. When you're brain malfunctions it affects your personality, mood and self esteem and the good news is you may think there's something wrong with YOU, but it's not YOU it's your BRAIN that needs help. Brain problems may be showing up in your life as:
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder
  • Bipolar Disease
  • Alzheimer's
  • Dementia
  • Autism
  • Asperger's
  • Parkinson's
Other conditions which aren't actually diseases but still indicate that your brain could use some help are:
  • Chronic stress
  • Brain Fog
  • Difficulty Focusing
  • Inattentiveness
  • Memory Loss
  • Irritability
You may feel embarrassed or ashamed about any problem with you're brain but realize that this isn't a serious problem that affects only a few people, it's actually a silent epidemic and the magnitude is staggering:
  • Psychiatric disorders affect 26% of our adult population
  • More than 20% of children have some type of psychiatric disorder
  • More than 40 million people have anxiety
  • More than 20 million people have depression
  • One in 10 Americans take an antidepressant
  • Alzheimer's disease will affect 30% (and some experts say 50 percent) of people over 85 years old, which is the fastest growing segment of the population.
  • ADHD is a label we now give to 8.7 percent of children between the ages of 8 and 15.
  • One in 10 children now take stimulant medications like methylphenidate (Ritalin).
  • Autism rates have increased from three in 10,000 children to one in 166 children - an 11-fold increase over the last decade.
  • Learning disabilities affect between 5 percent and 10 percent of school-age children.
The good news is you aren't alone and there is help, but the conventional doctor's office may limit your results because the solution is not just a psychiatric medication or a medication for dementia. The cause of your brain issues is not from missing a psychiatric medication it's from a health issue in your entire body, because the two are intertwined and interconnected. It's not your fault also that we live in a world with many more toxins than before WWII when your grandparents lived. Only 10% of cornfields were sprayed prior to 1950 and after in order to expand crops and provide more food 90% of corn fields were sprayed. Not to mention that wheat became modified 200 times to make it shorter, fatter and bread fluffier. Do you remember when Wonder Bread was invented? So nice you could squeeze this white soft bread just like the nice soft toilet paper. The downside to modifying wheat and white flour is that it caused an inflammatory reaction in the gut and in the brain. This is explained further in your Brain Care Workbook. Cancer rates also went up and so did neurological disorders at the same time that we introduced GMO into foods. In fact the Environmental Group stated that a newborn baby already has over 250 chemicals in it's body from the mother's cord blood before it's even breathed the air, drank the water or walked on the earth. Our ocean waters also became laden with chemical spill off, mercury is found in 85% of fish in the Pacific Bay area and the ramifications of Fukishima nuclear waste in the ocean is a quiet part of the unspoken news, but perhaps is that the reason for loss of seal pups, whales and sea birds starving to death recently? What's the solution? The solution is to educate yourself on the seven keys to your Brain Care:

Key #1 Nutrient Dense Foods

Our body's physiology, biochemistry and biology needs certain raw materials to run optimally with the right balance and quality of proteins, fat and carbohydrates, the right vitamins and minerals in the right doses as well as colorful pigments in plant food called phytonutrients that support our well-being and function. Nearly all of us are nutritionally imbalanced in one way or another.

Key #2 Have Healthy Hormones

Our hormones have to work in harmony for us to be healthy. Hormones are messenger molecules in our body that turn things "on" or "off" or "up" and "down". Hormones exist in an intricate balance and they produce effects throughout the whole body in a finely orchestrated symphony. Our endocrine glands being the thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, ovaries and testes produce our hormones. The control center or our endocrine glands lies in our brains and are termed the hypothalamus and the pituitary. These endocrine glands and their signals are to control: The stress response through your adrenals
  • Blood sugar balance through your pancreas
  • Thyroid hormone, which establishes your metabolism via your thyroid gland
  • Sexual behavior and function through your reproductive organs
  • Growth, sleep, mood and much more.
There are three dangerous patterns of hormone imbalances that affect the brain:
  • Too much insulin (also called diabetes), which makes circulation impaired
  • Too much cortisol and adrenalin from stress, which impairs healthy brain chemistry and causes low happy mood hormone, serotonin
  • Not enough thyroid hormone, which can contribute to someone being overweight and causes inefficient oxygen utilization in the body.
They not only help new memory cells sprout in the brain they also help with longevity and neuroplasticity or flexibility of the brain. Hormones that affect the brain are insulin, thyroid, sex hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, the adrenal hormones cortisol, no-epinephrine, epinephrine and hormones to help with memory such as DHEA and pregnenolone. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy helps modulate hormone function. HBOT increases growth hormone and upregulates DNA function for cell life.

Key #3 Cool down Inflammation

We must protect and defend ourselves form foreign invaders and abnormal cells inside our own body. When this system is over or underactive inflammation occurs. Inflammation of the brain is a central symptom of almost all neurological conditions. The brain is more sensitive to inflammation than other parts of the body. HBOT reduces cerebral edema and inflamation.

Key #4 Fix Your Gut

There is a correlation between the health of our gut and the health of our brain. It's referred to as the "Gut/Brain Axis". When the lining of the stomach or intestine is swollen it can become leaky and let larger molecules of food through into the blood stream. When the gut lining becomes leaky the blood brain barrier also becomes leaky because of chemical messengers in the blood system that get carried to the brain. Imagine it like chemical poison in a lake running off into a river and all the tributaries downstream. Sometimes our food actually makes us practically "drunk".

Key #5 Enhance Detoxification by Cleansing

Our bodies must eliminate all of our metabolic wastes and all toxins we take in from the environment through our food, air, water and medications. HBOT is a powerful de-toxification agent.

Key #6 Boost Your Mitochondria

The mitochondria are tiny little organelles in each cell, which are like you're bodies' batteries. Oxygen enters into the mitochondria and goes through an electron transport chain to make ATP which fuels every cellular and enzymatic reaction in the body. The DNA of the mitochondria is more susceptible to damage than other parts of our body. There are certain nutraceuticals that are good at protecting these precious batteries in our body as well as give them more energy. More energy translates to less brain fog. Our brain uses up 30% of our energy. HBOT boosts Mitochondria production.

Key #7 Calm Your Mind

A life of meaning and purpose, a life in balance with connection, community, love and support, and a sense of empowerment are essential for health. There are many stressors in the 21st Century that include: social isolation, overwork, disempowerment, and others that can create enormous stress on the nervous system, leading to burnout and breakdown. What you can expect to receive from this program for your investment? First Visit: Orientation, 60 min. session. History and physical exam: this includes an expanded neurological testing and osteopathic assessment. Give out food diary, toxicity questionnaire, and sleep and mood questionnaires CNS VS -a neurological test that takes 90 min. to do to measure cognitive abilities. Lab Work Order Forms and Directions. Second Visit: 60 min. session Review all questionnaires and CNS Vital Signs test results Start Diet Plan based on the MIND diet and Brain Exercises. Administer lab kits. Third Visit: 60 min. session. Check in on diet issues, sleep or other lifestyle changes. Review lab results- start supplements tailored to issues revealed in the lab work. Osteopathic Manipulation and start HBOT. Fourth Visit: OMT for - 30 min. Fifth Visit: OMT for 30 min. Sixth Visit: OMT for 30 min. Redo CNS VS and questionnaires and if necessary lab work. Seventh Visit: - 60 min. Review CNS VS results Final Assessment On-going Treatment instructions

Tracking Your Progress

When you suffer from brain fog or poor memory, it's sometimes hard to tell how much better you are getting. This is why we are so excited about the CNS VS test. It gives you an objective measure on your brain speed and functioning in the following domains: Working Memory Sustained Attention Social Acuity Reasoning Verbal Memory Visual Memory Psychomotor Speed Cognitive Flexibility Executive Function Complex Attention Reaction Time Neurocognitive Function Composite Memory Processing Speed Simple Visual Attention Motor Speed Sleep issues Anxiety or Depression For the best results start your visit by completing the CNS VS at home and compare them to second results at then end of your 8 vists then again in 6 months and 12 months! Lab work will be repeated at the end of your program if some markers were dangerously high and we need to make sure they've come down. With each step of the Brain Care Program that you've successfully completed we have a special gift for you. It's a secret, but we look forward to you getting your prize!

HBOT & Brain Care Creates New Neuronal Synapses

We want to give you options for the best care possible for your brain and nervous system. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the core component and we believe there are complimentary therapies that can work to enhance the effects of HBOT. When certain nutrients are given that help lower inflammation the oxygen can be used for healing injured tissue that can then heal and grow in a non-inflammed state. Cranial Osteopathy relieves restrictions to blood circulation in the brain. With HBOT the oxygen delivered can get into the recesses of the brain that may have been hindered anatomically before. With our brain exercise program, if a person stimulates their brain while it is healing this encourage the formation of new neuronal synapses, helping create and reconnect the pathways for faster, clearer, more efficient thinking. Most hospital based programs do not go to this extent to provide such comprehensive care. We are proud to launch this new offering.